Hogan Lovell OffshoreBook 2023 230809 OnlinePDF - Flipbook - Page 99
Offshore Wind Worldwide 2023
5.1 Legal framework for the connection
to the onshore grid and the
establishment of the grid connection
Grid connection is implemented and operated by RTE which has, in practice, a monopoly on the electricity transport network in
RTE is involved upstream of the public tenders to identify the capacity of the grids. It is
in charge of the management and the global
project ownership of the farms’ connection and the engineering of the submarine
connections and also finances costs for the
OWF implemented through public tenders.
The costs for developing and building the
OWF offshore and onshore grid connections
is included in RTE’s regulated asset base
financing scheme.
5.2 Planning and construction of
the grid connection system
RTE is responsible for undertaking the works
necessary for the grid connection (including
permitting), as well as their operation and
maintenance, from the delivery point.
RTE needs to obtain its own authorisations
for the completion of its works. It also has
to get an authorisation to use the maritime, public domain44 and environmental
authorisation. 45 In addition, RTE concludes
a connection contract with the producer/
operator before the commissioning of the
OWF, on the basis of a template approved by
the CRE. 46 This contract defines the point of
connection, the features and performances
of the installation and the technical solution
chosen for this installation. For instance,
the CRE has approved the specific connection conditions of the OWF of the first and
second public tenders, 47 and more recently
of the OWF that have been the subject of a
tender procedure for which a public tender
notice has been published in the Official
Journal of the European Union after 1st
January 2016. 48
5.3. Responsibility for the cost of
the grid connection system
Before 1 January 2018, as for all the transport grid connections, connection costs
were taken in charge by the OWF producer
and ultimately refunded through France’s
general electricity public service fund (in
French: "contribution au service public de
l’électricité" – CSPE), which is paid by final
users through their electricity bills.
A law dated 30 December 2017 has modified
this rule for the OWF projects implemented
through a public tender. 49 According to article L.342-7 of the Energy Code, RTE shall, from
now on, assume all costs for the connection
of the OWF, in accordance with the technical
44 Articles L.2124-1 and R.2124-1 of the Code of public entities’ property.
45 Articles 181-1 and following, and R.181-54-1 and following of the Environment Code.
46 Article L.342-4 of the Energy Code.
47 Deliberation of the CRE n°2018-227 dated 8 November 2018.
48 Deliberation of the CRE n°2021-127 dated 6 May 2021.
49 Law n°2017-1839 dated 30 December 2017 ending research and oils exploitation and relating to diverse provisions on energy and environment.