Hogan Lovell OffshoreBook 2023 230809 OnlinePDF - Flipbook - Page 143
Offshore Wind Worldwide 2023
which projects to announce, the lessons
learned from these European projects
may be used to determine the size of the
projects to be announced in different
Promotion Zones while considering the
unique features of the relevant Japanese
(d) One of the policy goals driving this decision, however, is to avoid overwhelming
the market by announcing projects that
are too big or uneconomical. We expect
that the scale of the Promotion Zones to
be announced will be determined by reference to the aforementioned European
market figures.
(e) No adverse impact on the use, preservation or management of sailing routes or
surrounding ports.
(f) Frequent sailing routes used by large
ships should be avoided, and appropriate distances from such sailing routes
(g) Suitable base port(s) for offshore wind
power facilities
(h) It may be necessary to upgrade the base
port in order to store, deliver and assemble construction materials required for
the installation, operation and maintenance of offshore wind power facilities
(for example, the nacelle, turbine blades
and other equipment).
(i) In addition, each base port will require
a quay for the transportation of imported goods or domestic cargo. The quay
must have a sufficient load-withstanding
capability and a pier site of appropriate
(j) A secured grid connection between the
offshore renewable energy facilities and
the grid system of the electricity utility
(k) A business operator that already has access to grid connection in a designated
zone (the "Original Business Operator")
may continue to use that access for its
bid in an auction. However, if another
business operator is selected to operate in that zone (the "Selected Business
Operator"), the Original Business Operator will be required to assign its grid connection right, including the grid capacity
right, to the Selected Business Operator.
Failure to do so will result in the Original
Business Operator being disqualified
from participating in future auctions.
(l) No adverse impacts on fishery activities
due to offshore renewable energy facilities.
(m) When an area is designated as a Promotion Zone, METI and MLIT form a council
(kyogikai) made up of, among others,
fishery and other trade associations
("Council"). Business operators intending
to submit a bid for a Promotion Zone
should initiate a consultation process
with the fishery trade associations that
are members of the Council in order to
determine whether an offshore wind
facility could cause any adverse impacts
on the fishery activities on the relevant