Hogan Lovell OffshoreBook 2023 230809 OnlinePDF - Flipbook - Page 26
aimed to provide insights into the future expansion of the energy sector over a ten-year
period, taking into account a comprehensive
view of different energy sources.
Although currently not economically
competitive compared to other available
sources of energy production, the potential
for offshore wind depends on advances in
technology, technical-economic and socioenvironmental studies, as well as regulatory
initiatives. The EPE has been instrumental in
advancing understanding through activities
and studies, including through its Offshore
Wind Roadmap published in 2020. This roadmap identified significant potential growth
in the industry, estimating Brazil’s offshore
wind potential at 697 GW for depths up to
Looking ahead, Brazil’s offshore wind sector
is poised for significant expansion. New
offshore wind farms can be developed along
the country’s vast coastline, leveraging favorable wind resources and proximity to energy consumers. The Brazilian government
aims to attract domestic and international
investment in the sector, thereby fostering
innovation and job creation.
2.1 Regulatory framework
At the federal level, the MME is the Brazilian
governmental authority that oversees the
regulatory framework for offshore wind
energy generation. The main legal instruments that provide the regulatory framework for offshore wind energy include:
• Decree No. 10,946/2022, which provides the principal regulation addressing offshore energy generation. The
decree regulates the use of physical
spaces and natural resources for offshore wind energy generation in Brazil,
addressing issues related to implementation and concession models and
providing clarity regarding the allocation procedures.
In addition, the following regulations have
been adopted in furtherance of Decree No.
• Ordinance No. 52/GM/MME establishes rules and procedures for the concession of offshore areas for electricity
generation in the system of independent energy production (authorized to
produce and commercialize energy) or
self-production of energy (authorized
to produce energy to its exclusive use),
including the delegation of authority
to the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory
5 According to EPE. See also: https://www.gov.br/economia/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/2022/janeiro/governo-federal-publica-diretrizes-para-geracao-de-energia-offshore (in Portuguese only).